Installation Guide

If you're having problems with installing STP, this guide can help you.


Considering STP is a template, make sure you're creating a new project for it instead of merging it with another project.

  1. Make sure you're using Unity 2020.3 or newer.

  2. Currently the only supported Rendering Pipeline is Built-In.

  3. Make sure your storage at least 10gb left.


  1. Navigate to: "Edit / Project Settings / Player / Configuration" and set the Input Handling to New or Both.

Changing the Input Handling System requires an editor restart.

2. Navigate to: "Window / Package Manager / My Assets" and find STP: Survival Template PRO.

3. After downloading the asset make sure to import the necessary project settings.

STP only requires a few project settings to function such as: custom Layers and Collision Matrix.

That is all, STP should function perfectly fine now. In case you encountered any problems with the installation feel free to ask for support.

Last updated