Item Settings

Here you can learn what every item setting means

Name: Item name.

Id: Unique id (auto generated).

Category: Category of this item.

Icon: Item Icon.

Description: Item description to display in the UI.

Pickup: Corresponding pickup for this item, so you can actually drop it, or pick it up from the ground.

Stack Size: How many items of this type can be stacked in a single slot.

Tag: String tag (similar to GameObject.Tag), it can have many use cases but the main one is to limit the item from being placed in certain item containers (e.g. stop this item from being placed in the holster container if it's not tagged as a wieldable). You can also define custom tags (see next tab).

Properties: all the item's properties, like Durability, Health Restore, Fuel and so on. You can also define custom properties (see next tab).

Has Blueprint: Does this item have a blueprint? (Required for crafting and dismantling)

Blueprint: A list with all the "ingredients" necessary to craft this item, it's also used in dismantling.

IsCraftable: If enabled this item will show up in the survival book as a craftable item.

Craft Duration: How much time does it take to craft this item, in seconds.

Allow Dismantle: Can this item be dismantled?

Dismantle Efficiency: An efficiency of 1 will result in getting all of the item back after dismantling, while 0 means that no item from the blueprint will be made available.

Last updated