
Here you'll learn what each character camera component does.

Player Look Input (Behaviour)

Delegates camera/look input (using the new Unity Input System) to the ILookHandler module.

Player Look Handler (Module)

Handles look updating the look direction of a character.

X Transform: Transform to rotate Up & Down.

Y Transform: Transform to rotate Left & Right.

Invert: If enabled, the up-down direction will be inverted.

Look Limits: Vertical look limits (in angles).

Sensitivity: Rotation Speed.

Raw: If enabled, the rotation will not be smoothed.

Smooth Steps: Smooth steps amount (a bigger sample will make means the rotations will be more smoothed).

Smooth Weight: Smoothness affect modifier, a value of 0 means that the rotation will be raw while 1 as smooth as possible.

FOV Camera: Used in lowering/increasing the current sensitivity based on the FOV.

Camera Motion Handler (Module)

Will be refactored in the future.

Camera: The camera that will be rotated using a spring.

Camera Root: The camera root that will be rotated through bobbing.

Motion Lerp Speed: How smooth should the motion spring movement be.

Bob Transition Speed: How fast should the camera bob be.

Input: Input settings.

Sway: Sway forces (applied when moving the camera).

Fall Impact: Fall impact forces.

Idle State: Idle camera motion state.

Walk State: Walk camera motion state.

Run State: Run camera motion state.

Crouch State: Crouch camera motion state.

Shake Lerp Speed: How smooth should the shake spring movement be.

Explosion Shake: The explosion shake settings.

Shake Spring Settings: The default shake spring force settings (Stiffness and Damping).

Force Lerp Speed: How smooth should the force spring movement be.

Default Force Spring Settings: The default spring force settings (Stiffness and Damping), when external forces are being applied.

Camera Effects Handler (Module)

Background Blur: Background blur component.

Foreground Blur: Foreground blur component.

Background Color Tweaks: Background color tweaks component.

Foreground Color Tweaks: Foreground color tweaks component.

Camera Height Controller (Behaviour)

Y Lerp Speed: How fast should the camera adjust to the current Y position (up - down).

Crouch Offset: An offset that will be applied to the camera position after crouching.

Crouch Easing: Crouch movement easing type.

Last updated