
Here you'll learn what each character movement component does.

Player Movement Input (Behaviour)

Delegates movement input (using the new Unity Input System) to the ICharacterMover module.

Character Mover (Module)

Handles character movement. (Will be refactored into a more modular system)

Acceleration: How fast can this character achieve max state velocity.

Damping: How fast will the character stop when there's no input (a high value will make the movement more snappy).

Airborne Control: How well can this character move while airborne.

Step Length: How much distance does this character need to cover to be considered a step.

Forward Speed: The forward speed of this character.

Back Speed: The backward speed of this character.

Side Speed: The sideway speed of this character.

Slope Speed Mod: Lowers/Increases the moving speed of the character when moving on sloped surfaces (e.g. lower speed when walking up a hill).

Anti Bump Factor: A small force applied to the character to make it stick to the ground when moving on a descending terrain/collider.

Enable Running: Is this character allowed to run?

Run Speed: The max running speed.

Run Step Length: Step length specific to running.

Enable Jumping: Is this character allowed to jump?

Jump Height: The max height of a jump.

Jump Timer: How often can this character jump (in seconds).

Enable Crouching: Is this character allowed to crouch?

Crouch Speed Mod: The velocity mod for crouching (multiplied with the base speed: forward, back speed etc.)

Crouch Step Length: Step length specific to crouch walking.

Crouch Height: The controllers height when crouching.

Crouch Duration: How long does it take to crouch.

Enable Sliding: Should this character slide when standing on slopes?

Slide Threshold: The angle at which the character will start to slide.

Slide Speed: The max sliding speed.

Gravity: The strength of the gravity.

Obstacle Check Mask: Layers that are considered obstacles.

Character Velocity Handler (Behaviour)

Low Vitals Velocity Mod: How much will the max velocity be affected by low vitals (e.g. hunger, thirst etc.)

Wieldable Weight Velocity Mod: How much will the max velocity be affected by the equipped wieldable weight.

Carriables Count Velocity Mod: How much will the max velocity be affected by the amount of carried "carriables".

Character Run Blocker (Behaviour)

Disable Run On Stamina Value: At which stamina value (0-1) will the ability to run be disabled.

Enable Run On Stamina Value: At which stamina value (0-1) will the ability to run be re-enabled (if disabled)

Character Jump Blocker (Behaviour)

Disable Jump On Stamina Value: At which stamina value (0-1) will the ability to jump be disabled.

Enable Jump On Stamina Value: At which stamina value (0-1) will the ability to jump be re-enabled (if disabled)

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